Saturday, December 29, 2007

animals & grandma...

...not to be confused of course :) ! The animal pictures were taken yesterday in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. They were the sweetest little guys!! Okay, all except the Shetland pony...she was a bit of a pill. At one point she was chasing the cow around nipping at its butt! The horse LOVED my husband! She would just follow us around and when J would pet her she'd kiss his cute! The second set of pictures is my son with my mom. She was here for a week over Christmas and sadly had to leave today. We so love having her here with us. I'll miss our late night Text Twist tournaments!! I always make the two of them sit for pictures before she leaves. I really like this set! My mom is beautiful and I just love her so much.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and that you have a happy, healthy and safe New Year!!

"1...2...3...4...5...Ready or not, here I come!"


Anonymous said...

I love these pictures. Mommy looks so pretty in all of them, but especially in the one where she's smiling with sweet. And the little closed eyed guy? HOW FREAKIN' CUTE?! Great pictures.

Anonymous said...

ps-I want the little guy closing his eyes up in my house!