Wednesday, April 7, 2010


...what a great weekend my son and I had! Well, it would have been better if my husband could have joined us, but other than that...perfection! We headed up to upstate NY once again to visit the family. Oh how I love my family. Seriously...I do! 2 sisters, 1 brother, my father, my stepmom, and my nephew...LOVE IT! We did miss my other, Californ-iac sister and my brother-in-law...but the NY family was mostly intact and we enjoyed beautiful weather and wonderful company. So many amazing memories came out of this weekend...simply by spending time together. When we're younger we take for granted the pleasure of sitting with our family and laughing and reminiscing...but, at least for me, as I get older I cherish those moments and hold onto them with great affection. Here are a TON of pics from this past weekend...why? Because I have a ridiculously beautiful family and because I can :)

**And...I'm previewing my brand spankin' new logo designed by the fabulous Jeanine Linder. I still have a lot of work to do to change out the old for the new, but check under the pics...that's what it will look like. I LOVE it!! Thanks so much Jeanine!!

my dad LOVES LOVES LOVES his grandsons!!

my nephew...ADORABLE!
my brother, my nephew & my son...too bad it's such an ugly bunch
my nephew loves his Mina (Grandma)

the cutest Easter outfit EVER
beautiful sister #1

I love this picture
my brother's Air Jordan imitation

beautiful sister #2 (and the creepy basement)

1 comment:

Carla Kennedy said...

YAY! I'm glad you two had a fun a trip and made it back safely :o). LOVE the new logo!