Wednesday, April 14, 2010

spring-a-ding-ding...'s here, it's here, it's FINALLY here!!! And this is coming from the winter lover...go figure. It's S*P*R*I*N*G!!! Wahooie! Okay, enough with the exclamation points, I think you get the, well, point =) Flowers are blooming, the trees have leaves, my nose is itchy...yep, it's Spring. Just when you think that you might have to take a leap off that big ole bridge if one more flake of snow falls, a crocus appears. Then a daffodil. Then a tulip. And so on... Even though I do love a good winter, the gray days were really starting to wear on me. There is such a marked difference in my demeanor when I get a little sunshine on my face. To be able to go out on my deck, close my eyes and just enjoy the warmth of the sun in what feels like every cell of my body, is such a gift. A little dramatic?? Yeah, well, it's been a LONG winter!!! Anyway, I hope that you're out enjoying the glorious sun and soaking in that Vitamin D (with the appropriate SPF of course...I wouldn't want to be the cause of any unwanted trips to the dermatologist).

the birdie has made her new nest...

ahh yes, the beloved Ripstik

Spring even makes Eddie smile =)

look Ma, no hands

no, these aren't my son's's nice to have little girls in the neighborhood!

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