Tuesday, January 22, 2008

my beautiful sisters....

What an amazing Spring we have in store...one sister getting married and another becoming a mommy. BUSY!!! I took my son up to visit my family this past weekend and we had such a great time. My other sister came in from Boston so my dad & stepmom had all 4 of the girls in one place for the first time in a long time! My 12 year old brother wasn't in on all the girlie stuff, but he had fun entertaining my 10 year old. I look at all of us and realize how tired my parents must be!!! Anyway, we had such a wonderful visit. I also got to catch up with an old friend who I've missed terribly. It was a packed weekend to say the least!

So here are a few photos of the bride-to-be and the mommy-to-be. I'm just so happy for them both. I miss them, as well as the rest of my family, so much it hurts. LOVE LOVE LOVE you all!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking these pictures. It's so hard to believe that that is actually my stomach! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at a time when I feel like a whale. You're an incredible photographer...if only everyone knew what I looked like with out you behind the lense! They'd run!!! Thank you so much Ash. I love you and miss you tons!