Friday, August 22, 2008

change is in the air....

...I can feel it. It's coming. My favorite season of them all.....FALL!!! Love it love it love it! The crisp air, the vibrant leaves, the kids back in school :) -- it's coming! I love when I can dig out my way-to-big but oh-so-comfy sweaters. Something about the Fall air just invigorates me. Makes me feel alive. The smell of fireplaces gearing up for winter, the sun warming your face on a chilly day, hot chocolate on the sidelines of a great football's just a magical time of year for me. It is one time that I really wish we lived in New England. There is no match to Fall in New England. Truly. There's a reason why people trek up there to view the leaves each year. It is like all of the sudden this blank canvas erupts in a symphony of colors...each one brighter, bolder, and more spectacular. In a valley encircled by foothills and mountains, you can almost feel yourself being enveloped by the sheer beauty of your surroundings. Your heart rate steadies, your breathing slows and you just feel at peace...all of the outside noise just disappears. For me, Fall is just miraculous.

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