Saturday, August 30, 2008

wonder mom powers...

...that's what I wish I had. To shield {L} from all of those things in life that will cause him a moment of pain or anguish. Today I wished so hard for those powers, and yet they failed me. He has been unbelievable with this broken arm. I have not yet seen him shed a tear because of pain...and I know he's had it. When he had the cast put on yesterday they had to "massage" his bone into place. He grit his teeth and even managed a smile or two. But no tears. It has amazed me how grown up he is becoming. I would have been crying all week if it had been me. Today was different. Today was his football team's first game. He did great...he was out there for the coin toss, he cheered them on to a surprising win, and we even stayed to watch some of the next game. It was on the way home that my heart broke for him. You could see it hit him like a ton of bricks -- he is done for the season. All of his hard work and anticipation of a great season is gone. He has been sidelined and there is nothing anyone can do about that. I looked back at him several times and the tears just filled his eyes, spilling over with the knowledge that this is what it's going to be like until the end of the season. There will be no running in the plays, no amazing catches, and no first touchdown. All things he was so looking forward to and in an instant it is gone. I know he's 11, and I know he'll have other opportunities, but to see such defeat and pain on your child's face is unbearable. I want to take it away and I can't.

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