Sunday, February 8, 2009


...on a SUNday afternoon...okay, I admit it...while I wish and wish for a winter wonderland, I do love a nice sunny, 65 degree day...especially when my tweenage son decides to be seen with me!! {L} and I drove today -- top down, music blaring, sunglasses on -- it was every bit of a Spring day. We kept on going until we hit Pennsylvania and then ventured back home. It truly was a spectacular day...I hope that you enjoyed the same!

my handsome, surfer looking son
We made it!!! Okay, so it's only 30-40 minutes away...we still made it :)
this one looks more like Halloween than Spring!!

When I got out of the car to take this one, {L} said "Mom, please don't walk on there"...very concerned for my safety on the rickety old bridge

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I can't wait to work with you - your images are so inspiring. And now that the weather is (maybe?) warming up, it won't be too long!