Tuesday, May 26, 2009


...that's what our Memorial Day weekend was all about. That and eating as much junk as humanly possible (yes, the diet began TODAY). We met dear friends of ours for a weekend of FUN FUN FUN! They are in Cleveland and we are in Baltimore...just so happens that Deep Creek Lake in western Maryland is halfway. Perfect! We have not seen this family in 8 years! 8 YEARS for cryin' out loud. Way too long. The amazing thing about true friends is that no matter how much time goes by, once together again it's like no time has passed at all (despite our rapidly growing children and collection of graying hair). The {L} family will be friends for life...we can't have it any other way. We love you guys!

the kids enjoyed the lake, despite the FREEZING water temperature
they all became fast friends...so wonderful
my amazingly handsome boy (no bias there!)
and THEIR amazingly handsome boy :)
and don't forget the little princess...stunning
this is Shiloh...our weekend friend (belonged to the people next door, but he played with us!)
catch me Daddy!
goofiness at a dog show
after the lake the kids would warm up in the hot tub...they look a little tuckered out
my husband enjoying a perfect morning cup o' joe
this is how you make brownies, right?

I went out for a drive, as I have been known to do, and found this great fence...so cool!
Shiloh doing what he does best

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