Wednesday, September 30, 2009

home again, home again...

...yes...another trip home. I know, you're shocked! Guess I'm just a traveling kind of girl these days. So this past weekend was my mother's birthday. My mom is the most amazing woman I've ever met. (she would say that I just don't get out much, but that's not true at all) She's smart and funny and beautiful and strong and selfless and so many other wonderful things that would take me too long to write out. I love her more than she can possibly know and am so thankful every day for her. I could not ask for a better relationship with her...I am so very lucky...there is nothing like it. Happy Birthday Ma...

the party was catered by the fabulous people at Glen Sanders
Mom & my brother-in-law
my sister & my son
APPLE PICKING!! It's Fall in NY!
my've got to taste what you've picked!!

feeding mama
there is nothing better than apple cider donuts from Fo'Castle Farms!

time for fun at the park...

oh so true!
not photographically the best picture ever, but the boys are stinkin' cute! My brother (who also celebrated a birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), my nephew and my son
I had to throw this one in because it's freakin' funny! This guy was hanging out at the park...REALLY hanging out...not to worry, he was fine, just sleepy

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