Monday, November 2, 2009


...HA...get was Halloween, and then I had a senior session...alright, not my best. Give me a break I freakin' tired! ANYWAY...Halloween. Well, I do believe we're getting to the end of my son dressing up for Halloween. At least to go trick or treating. I could be wrong, but he is getting to that age. How does this happen? These rites of passage seem to be throwing themselves at us, reminding us just how quickly time is passing. It's so wonderful to see what an amazing (although sometimes today) young man he is becoming, but at the same time it's so sad to know that we'll never experience these things with him again. The past couple of years we've tried to come up with original/funny costumes. Somehow they've both ended up with football players. Last year was the injured Tom Brady, and this year was Brett Favre. It wasn't a real elaborate costume, but it made it's point :-)

Then on Sunday I had part 1 of my senior session with {B}. This is my first senior boy and he was great! We could only do the inside, more formal pictures because the weather was so rotten so be on the lookout for the rest this weekend. The formal pictures are not my favorite to do. I feel much more at ease outside and candid, but I think we did a good job...he's a pro now! CAN'T WAIT to do the rest. FUN!!!

So here you go...Halloween-ior...Enjoy!

Favre jersey, check...gray hair, check...cane, check

in his spare time, {B} enjoys table tennis and knitting...JUST KIDDING...he's a hardcore football-er all the way

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