Wednesday, December 30, 2009

catching up...'s been quite a while since my last post! Good or bad...I'M BACK!!! =) So, those of you who know me or follow the blog know how devastated we are by Savannah's death. Our other dog, Caylee, took it especially hard since pretty much all of her 10 years have been spent with her "sister". We decided that we needed something positive and to give Caylee something to get up for...enter Eddie, a 5 month old shepherd mix. He's our newest addition and quite the character! We've not had a puppy since Savannah was one 15 years's pretty much like having a toddler again! He's wonderful and although he plays the role of annoying little brother quite well, Caylee seems happier and even shares her bed with him.

...a few weeks back we got almost 2 feet of snow...pretty impressive for this area!

...a new recipe for Christmas...ham covered in a blanket of crescent roll dough...YUM!! Taking pig in a blanket to the extreme!

...a 12 year old boy and his tv crush...

...I say say more...Balti... handsome boy and my stunning mother...



1 comment:

Colby said...

love love LOVE the new look of it on here. The pics are great, and the look on Lucas's face opening that picture is should send it to her! I LOVE that first groupd of pictures of the sweet. Everything is really beautiful, Ash.