Tuesday, May 4, 2010


...being a photographer I have the compulsion to document everything...good, bad, or indifferent. Usually I am not the subject of said documenting, but in this case I made an exception. A week ago tonight I had a freak accident in my kitchen. And I do mean FREAK! Suffice it to say, sloppy drinking dogs + ceramic tile flooring = broken Ashley. My feet slipped out from under me and before I knew it I was catching myself with my face on the edge of the counter. Yup...heard that old nose break. And to make matters worse, my husband was out of town (that's his story and he's sticking to it!), so this all fell on my 13 year old's shoulders. And while he was very upset at the sight of his mother bleeding in the kitchen, he took charge, got me a towel and ran next door to get help. Thank GOD for wonderful neighbors/friends!! Off to Patient First where the nurses were absolutely fantastic. After x-rays, bandages, and lots of comforting...we were back home within an hour...3 breaks in the nose and one in the finger. OUCH!!! But, it could have been MUCH worse. Makes me cringe to think about it. My son and my neighbor were so wonderful. I don't know what I would have done without them. The hardest part about all of this is that it's difficult for me to hold the camera. It is my calm and my sanity and without it I feel lost. I know that everything will heal, I'm just impatient =)

So here is what I have dubbed FrankenMom. SCARY!! And I couldn't take the absence of the camera so I sucked it up today and went to see the neighbor's baby ducks. I'm sore, but it was worth it.

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