Monday, September 27, 2010


...I can't believe I'm writing this again. It's not even been a year since we lost our sweet Savannah...and now, Gus. My beautiful little 2 y/o kitty who I swear was the absolute softest cat in the world. I can't wrap my head around it. We don't have any real explanations, although there's a possibility that he had cancer and we didn't know it. It doesn't won't bring him back. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we subject ourselves to this heartache and grief? I think it's because the unconditional love and adoration that these furry family members give to us is more than worth it. To be able to provide a wonderful environment for these animals that might not enjoy such a good life otherwise is such a gift. The little kisses and purrs and playful ways bring such joy to our lives that how can we not risk the devastation of losing these precious family members. I know it sounds dramatic, but he really did take a piece of my heart. This is definitely a difficult one for me. I love and miss my little Goose (our animals rarely have just one name!).


jct said...

Oh...I'm so sorry, Ashley. Losing a pet is one of the saddest things ever and to have them back-to-back is just heartbreaking. And Gus was clearly taken before his time.


p.s. Read Lamb. It will make you laugh.

Joyce said...

Any one who has REALLY loved a pet knows that there's no need to ever apologize for acutely grieving their loss. They bring such love into our lives, as you said, and brighten every single day. I'm so sorry that you lost Gus and lost him so suddenly and mysteriously that you couldn't prepare at all.

That's such a tender and beautiful photo of Lucas and Gus. He (and you) will treasure that one always. We are sending love your way.