Friday, November 23, 2012

:: October Wedding Extravaganza(s) ::

...October was THE busiest month I've ever had. Ever. How great is that??? In the craziness of senior pictures, single parenting and baseball games were 3 weddings. 3 weddings within a week of each other. Saturday, Sunday, Saturday. THAT was insanity. It was exhausting and wonderful all wrapped in one. Not sure that I'll ever schedule 2 weddings in one weekend again, but I really love these couples so there really wasn't a choice to be made this time. So as not to inundate you with 20 pictures from each wedding, I've chosen a few from each to share...I hope you enjoy!

:: Cameran & Ryan ::

:: Kimberly & Tom ::

:: Laurie & Joe ::

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

We love you too, Ashley. You did a wonderful job on our wedding pictures!