As a photographer, I LOVE taking pictures of people...documenting moments in their lives. In an ironic twist, I HATE having pictures taken of me. I always have. I'm pretty sure I've even written about it before. The biggest problem with this is that my child will not have many photos of him and his mom together. Well, because of that and the fact that I'm always the one taking pictures. So, every now and then, I try to overcome that hatred and realize that it's so important for him to have these memories. During our recent trip to Florida, I tried to jump in there with him and not be so self conscious about it. I don't think that last part worked, but I did it. I got in there. I guess what I'm trying to get across is that we as women are extremely hard on ourselves and a lot of us avoid getting in front of the camera as much as possible. God forbid someone see how we've "let ourselves go"...that's what we think, right? What if they see the wrinkles we're amassing or the way we fill out our clothing differently than when we were 20 or the gray hair that's peeking through? Truth is, most people aren't noticing any of that. Most people will notice the wonderful photo of you and your child. And years from now, when we're gone, do you think our kids will hate those pictures of us with them because mom had a couple of wrinkles and her jeans were no longer a size 6? I'm pretty sure that what they will cherish is the fact that their moms loved them. Does this mean that I'll feel fine jumping in front of the camera from here on out? Hell no! But, I'm trying, and so should you. You're beautiful because of who you are, not what you look like. The beauty in the pictures with your child is the relationship that's captured.
Pure and simple.
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