First of all…HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!! In the spirit of the day, I thought I'd share an airman's homecoming from this past week. This dad of two beautiful girls was "vacationing" in lovely Kuwait for the last year. If you haven't been through it, it's hard to fathom just how difficult a year long deployment is on everyone involved. Actually, the pictures I'm going to share are pretty telling…pay attention to the older daughter's face. While they were waiting, she would smile for me, more of a grin actually, but it was fairly forced. And who can blame her?? Waiting is so hard. But after he walked through those doors, there was a light in her face that had been missing. It looked as though a huge weight had been lifted.
This amazing, finally reunited family is getting ready for yet another move. Thank you, {T} family…for the sacrifices you make daily. You are ALL appreciated!!!
**The photos and other content of this publication do not constitute or imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense**
everyone needs a little lip gloss |
Grandma came in from Maine to welcome her son home |
that pretty much sums it up |
look at that smile |
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