Sunday, October 28, 2007

happy halloweeeeeeeeen......

Here are our masterpieces! Okay, that may be a bit of an overstatement, but we did have fun carving them. Hope that this finds everyone gearing up for the candy-fest on Wednesday...guess I should buy some, huh?! ENJOY!!!

L & his creation...
J's ghost...
my mooning kitty...


Anonymous said...

Your pumpkins look great! Great pictures too!!! I'm glad you guys had fun. I really like the kitty one. Very cool pic.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

SO cool! I love the little kitty...they're all wonderful, but you know how we're partial to anything to do with animals!!! GREAT job everyone!
(thank you easter bunny...)

Anonymous said...

The only think cooler than the pumkins are the beautiful photographs. The good looking young man doesn't hurt the pictures either.