Tuesday, October 23, 2007

one and two and...

Once you're out of the toddler stage with your own child you tend to forget just how much they move!!! I LOVE these kids!! These beautiful children (yes, ages 1 & 2) belong to a dear friend of mine who I just reconnected with. It's amazing how much time goes by and how easy some friendships are to fall back into. When I moved away from home, I really LEFT home. I'm sure to some at home it felt as though I kind of vanished. I guess I did. North Carolina, Georgia, Alaska, Ohio, New York and finally Maryland. No matter how much I've moved around, I've never forgotten about the people at home. Regardless of what kind of high school experience you had, there was always someone there going through the same stuff. It's hard, but you have the opportunity to meet some amazing people...I did! Would I want to go back to those times? No. Well, my body would like to go back, but that's for another day :) !!! But I truly wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. Everyone you meet has something to offer you...
you just have to pay attention!!

Here you go my new, old friend. Your family is amazing!!!

mom was blowing bubbles, can you tell by his face???

Christmas shoes...


Anonymous said...

Amanda's children are beautiful, and your vision in pictures always amazes me. Absolutely gorgeous.

honhol said...

beautiful beautiful! Love your site. Last time I was here, I don't think you had the blog portion. I like it. It adds an extra personal touch. You'd probably get more comments if people didn't have to register. I hate that blog sites make you do that! But I signed up for you, baby!