Wednesday, February 20, 2008

sky high...

I've given my son a break for the moment and turned my lens toward the sky. A few evenings ago the clouds burst into flame, but only for a couple of minutes. The colors were colors you think of out west, not here in Maryland. And then tonight my best friend called me to let me know about the eclipse that EVERYONE knew about except for me. Guess I don't listen to the news enough. Anyway, I did my best with the telephoto I have, but it certainly isn't great. It's just so interesting to me to be able to witness these amazing events. I think I looked a bit like the nutty professor out there this evening in my pjs with my hair all over the place trying to get my broken tripod to hold my camera in just the right spot. At least I had my coat on (to complete the ensemble) since it was 23 degrees outside. It must have been quite the site since it snowed today and the broken leg of the tripod kept slipping. It'll probably end up on youtube...that would be my luck. So here are my sky shots...the first two are much better than my moon attempts, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Stueller said...

Wow, these are pretty :)