Saturday, December 20, 2008

for the birds.... it is...December. It seems as though the entire country is blanketed in snow...except us. I know, I know...those of you going through this winter weather probably think I'm out of my mind, but I miss the snow. We just don't see it much. After growing up in upstate NY and living in both Ohio and Alaska, I've experienced a lot of winter weather. I'm a cold weather girl. Sweaters, hot chocolate, a blanket of's all good. But here in Baltimore it's a bit different. So far we've had chilly and wet. What's the point of cold without any snow??? There isn't one. Cold and wet is not a favorite feeling of mine. Cold is fine, wet is miserable. Makes me cranky (just ask my husband). ANYWAY, so I'm sitting here cursing this faux winter and my son notices a gathering of birds in the front yard. Beautiful birds. Most I don't know the names of, but I do know the cardinals...both the males and females are exquisite. So I suppose that's my winter beauty of the day. I'll take what I can get...but I'm still hoping for a blizzard :)

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