Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today is a new day...

...today felt like time stood still. Regardless of the color of your skin, the name of your church, the background of your grandparents, or your political affiliation...today was monumental. A man stood before this nation and challenged each and every one of us to take responsibility for what is ours. Our country, our mistakes, our triumphs...all of it. Whether President Obama can shoulder the Herculean task that we have hired him for remains to be seen. But one thing is certain, he has brought this country together in a way that I have never seen in my lifetime. It will take time to rebuild the foundation that has been crumbling underneath us for years...and not just for the past 8 years. No, the instability of our foundation lies with us and those before us. We cannot blame one person for all the world's problems. After all, collectively, we chose the path. But in that same vein, we have now chosen a new direction. Those who never felt they had a say in our future finally believe that one voice can actually make a difference. What happens now is up to us. What will we do with this extraordinary chance we've been given? My hope is that we begin to see each other as citizens of this great country...united in a common goal. The title of this blog is very significant to me. It is the beginning of a poem written by a friend of mine in 9th grade. I have never forgotten it, or him. Michael was in the WTC on that fateful day in September of 2001 so it seems fitting to me that his words fill my heart on this wonderful new day.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome. SO wonderfully written, well said, and exactly what so many of us feel, but may not be able to say so eloquently.
The picture is great. I love the red, white and blue in the letters. Great job...really, really great job.

Anonymous said...

Wow Ashley, that really brought tears to my eyes and I couldn't have said it better myself. You are a true artist! I stand beside you in the hope, the faith and the dream of a brighter tomorrow. I know this wonderful man WILL make a difference. All the best to you and your family in 2009!

Love, Kelly (Benedetto) Rodriguez