Monday, August 24, 2009

it's a nice day for a wet wedding... read that right...WET wedding, not white wedding. Billy Idol got it WRONG! Saturday was wet. Wet. Wet. Wet. Did I mention that {M & M} got a bit of drizzle at their wedding???? Yep...we arrived at the venue and the skies opened. I like to think of it as the rain gods giving a thunderous applause to the upcoming union. Flash flood warning, thunder, lightning...enough to make a bride (and her photographer) hide in the corner and weep uncontrollably. But not our bride. Nope. She was FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! She just rolled with it and made it an unbelievable day. Everyone looks to the bride to set the tone for the day and she was just laid back and happy to be marrying the man of her dreams. I ADORE this couple. They are so in love and wonderful to be around. And it turns out, their families and friends are just as great as they are. Go figure. It truly was an honor to be included in the celebration of these two amazing people. I feel as though I've walked away with some wonderful new friends.

On a side note, a dear friend of mine from FOREVER ago joined me this time to give my lovely sister a break. Krishna is a budding photographer and was an unbelievable help to me all weekend. She is going places out :)  Thank you Krishna, for your invaluable help and even more importantly, your friendship. 


the magic 8 ball did not have good news about the weather, but {M} took it in stride
she is SO beautiful...
as my mom would say, bling toe

{M} & her sweet, sweet sister...making their way through the rain & thunder
this picture says it all...the weather and her wonderful attitude
I LOVED her flowers!
the way she's looking at him reading his vows is SO cute
first kiss as man and wife
the girls...FUN!!!

this is one of my all time favorite bride pictures...she's gorgeous!
after the ceremony the rain stopped in time for a few quick outside pics
this man LOVES his daughter...made me teary every time I saw them together
these two had the best time much fun to watch
night's adorable are they???
Here are a few pictures from the lovely and talented Krishna :)

this really captures the elements this couple braved!

instead of a cake, they had cupcakes made by their loving family...and they were YUMMY!
sweet mother of the bride...


Marissa said...

AMAZING! Ashley, these are gorgeous - thank you doesn't begin to start! We are so grateful to you and Krishna for all of your hard work on Saturday. These pictures are beautiful, we are so happy! What a great day with wonderful people - we can't wait to see the rest!!

Holly Viggiano-Chiesa said...

You never cease to amaze me Ash..wonderful job, I want to get married again, JUST so you can do my pics...:)

Anonymous said...

these are amazing. I love them all! Can't pic. a favorite, because all of them are completely priceless. What a talent you are.
Love Always,