Thursday, September 10, 2009

631,138,519 seconds...

...10,518,975 minutes ~ 7,304 days ~ 240 months ~ you get the idea. TWENTY YEARS! It's a lifetime and the blink of an eye. Weddings, births, divorces, much can happen in that amount of time. Yet somehow, when you look into the face of someone who once was so familiar, it feels like you saw them just yesterday. In most cases, it's been all of twenty years since I've seen my classmates from high school. I was SO nervous. Not just a little butterfly in the stomach. Nope...I'm talking hands shaking, don't want to get out of the car, might actually vomit NERVOUS. Old (and sometimes new) insecurities take hold and just won't release their death grip on your insides. Thankfully, an old/new friend was also alone and we were able to walk in together...a little less daunting that way. I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it was to catch up with so many people. I only wish there was more time.

Part of our reunion weekend was a memorial tribute to the men we've lost in our class. It truly was an uplifting and healing gathering of people...sharing in their grief and memories of these wonderful men whose lives were cut way too short. My task was the memorial poster, which you'll see below. People spoke so eloquently of each man and made us feel the warmth and joy that each brought to our lives. They are, and always will be, deeply missed. 

The Mike Canty Family Fun Run...what an event this has become! Raising money each year to help a graduating senior from our high school go to college. Mike would have LOVED both the scholarship and the event. We lost Mike in the Trade Center on 9/11. His family has helped our high school community begin to heal through their love of life, family, community, and selflessness. They truly are remarkable. 

So here are some pictures from my weekend. Since I was home I also got to see my oh-so-cute nephew. You KNOW I had to take lots of pictures!!! 

To Linton High School's class of '89...thank you for old memories and new...for your generosity of spirit and for making a girl who moved away so many years ago feel as though she is a part of the tight knit community that is the class of '89. I love you guys and can't wait to see what comes next!

Follow this link if you'd like to donate to the {Michael Canty Memorial Fund}...tell them Ashley sent you :)

the tribute ceremony

one of our amazing classmates is a fireman ~ he and his coworkers brought the fire truck complete with American flag to watch over our memorial
The beginning of the Fun Run festivities...
...and they're off!
the beauty of it is that you don't HAVE to can enjoy a leisurely stroll if you so choose
these guys were awesome!  If you're ever in the upstate NY area, check out twenty ninety-six
there's plenty of action for the younger set too!
and now...(not so) baby pics!

he's a music lover, can you tell???

this one's for incredibly handsome 7th grader (he's going to kill me for this!)...first day of school


Colby said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures.

Morgen said...

I think your best yet....every one is perfect as always...espcially that ADORABLE little guy! :)