Sunday, November 8, 2009


...what an amazingly beautiful day today. Sunny, low 70s, no wind...PERFECT! Yes, one of the last top down days I'm afraid.

So...back to picture marathon :) On Friday I finished up the senior session for {B} with our outdoor shots. He was a good sport about it and didn't go running for the hills when I'd say "okay, I swear, this is the last place"...only to come to another cool place and say "alright, so I lied...THIS is the last place". I thoroughly enjoyed taking pics of my first senior boy. He was awesome!

Then today I had some family pics for dear friends. I adore this family! We've known them through school and sports just about the full 5 years that we've lived here. Mom makes gorgeous hair bows, belts, headbands, dog collars, etc. You should venture over to her website... So Pretty by Brookline ...great stuff!! I had so much fun hanging out with this gorgeous family. Although, I think the kids (especially the boys) will take off in the other direction if they see me coming at them with the camera again!

So here are the 2 previews for today...ENJOY!!

such a great looking guy!

{B} has 2 brothers and a sister...Mom really wanted a shot like this...fingers crossed that she loves it

and now introducing...the {M} family...

I love everything about this shot...she's SO adorable!!

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