Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day Pledge...

It makes me sad that we only choose a couple of days a year to honor those who spend their lives protecting us. Some of them give their own lives in this fight for our safety and security. What do they get from us in return? My hope is that they know the depths of our appreciation for them. And not only the soldiers, but their families as well. These are folks that sacrifice on a daily basis. A child born while his dad is overseas, a baby's first word spoken in the absence of her mother, a senior graduating with only pictures to share with his parents. There are countless holidays and family happenings that are missed because of their commitment to us, to our Constitution, and to our country. Here's my idea. For the month of November, try to make at least one gesture to show a soldier and/or his/her family your appreciation. This can mean going up to them directly and saying thank you, anonymously paying for a meal, finding out about a needy military family and provide them with a gift can be anything. A selfless, random act of kindness. It feels great and you have no idea how much it will mean to them. I know, Jason was on the receiving end a few years back. Hopefully it won't be limited to just this month, but it's a great place to start. Happy Veteran's Day.

okay, this is an old picture I took from Memorial Day a few years ago, but I still like it

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