Thursday, March 11, 2010


...that's me...I've been sitting on these pictures of my sweet, sweet nephew's 2nd birthday for well over a week now. Shame on me!! I drove up to NY to surprise my sister for the birthday was FANTASTIC!!! My mom flew up from Florida and surprised her as well...we all had so much fun! And oh freakin' cute is my nephew?! He was so proud of himself for being able to say my name that it became a game of sorts..."Ashl-a-lee-lee-lee-lee". I think that's how I'M going to say my name from now on!!

So...after WAY too is my oh-so-adorable nephew...

I think he enjoyed the cake Mommy made for him...

he LOVED his fire truck
he's a little obsessed with his cars...he didn't want to put any of them down
my mama loves her grandchildren
yep...I LOVE him!!
the Stockade in Schenectady has some really beautiful homes

1 comment:

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