Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th (+1) of July... I didn't QUITE get this done on the 4th, but the sentiment is still the same =). So, 4th of July. Independence Day. Hot dogs, parades and fireworks...the celebration of the birth of a collection of states held together by stars and stripes, men and women, similarities and differences. Governed by a battered and bruised yet ultimately ingenious political system. You may not agree with what our elected officials do or say, but you are not hanged, tortured, or imprisoned for saying so. You have the capability to CHOOSE who you want put in offices to represent you...granted, the majority has to agree with you, but the point is that you have the option to have your voice heard. We are not a perfect nation...far from it...but we are also not subject to the oppression and tyranny that so many in other countries face. We have amazingly brave men and women keeping us safe under their blanket of security. They sacrifice everything because they believe in protecting the freedoms that were born 234 years ago. We are, at the core of it all, lucky.

Rock on America, rock on...

two ol' soldiers...

this one's for my sisters =)
from American Pie to's Stifler's mom!!
this group from Baltimore was COMPLETELY unexpected and so much fun. They weren't the best dancers or even all that appropriate, but man they were fun to watch!

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