Thursday, January 31, 2013

I am 41...

...this is not new. It's been this way for 2 months now. On a day when I'm feeling less than positive, I figured I should sit down and write...something I haven't done in a really long time. I am 41. I have wrinkles and gray hair (which gets colored quite often!!), aches and pains that never used to be there, a body that is taking on a shape that I'm not familiar with, and skin that is not as glowing as it once was. I am 41. My brain seems to take mini vacations at times, scaring the daylights out of me since my grandmother was afflicted with Alzheimer's. I worry about things that could happen to me...cancer, heart attack, know, the light stuff. I have a teenager who will soon be driving, mortgages and bills and so many responsibilities that at times it's nothing but overwhelming. I am 41.


I am 41. I am able to see another year. I am not fighting a horrible illness. I am physically able to get out of bed every morning. I have family and friends who I adore. I have a job that brings me so much joy. I am 41. I am proud of my kindness and empathy for others. I am helping to raise an amazing child who also possesses that same level of kindness. I have saved animals, helped friends and strangers, and championed causes which I find important. I have seen the Grand Canyon, lived in Alaska, traveled to England, white water rafted down the Snake River, gone to two playoff football games and one playoff baseball game (those who know me, know that my love of sports borders on obsession). I have seen the Magna Carta in person, stood in front of and pondered the beauty and questions of Stonehenge, and walked on the hallowed grounds of Gettysburg. I have been with the same person since I was 23 years old and been a mom since I was 25. I get to witness this amazing boy turn into a young man and will hopefully be around to see so many wonderful things that I wish for him in his life. I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, and clothes on my back. I am 41.

It's so easy to get caught up in what seems to be the drudgery of every day. And sometimes we need those days of blah to right ourselves again. It's okay to feel what you're feeling, but you must also be aware of the blessings that you have and keep it all in perspective.

I AM 41


Johnandkrishna said...

I always love to read your writings..thank you <3

Nancy Whelan said...

I'm left with a wonderful heart!