Saturday, April 25, 2015

:: happy 18th birthday ::

There really is no way to measure the love for my child. I mean, how can you quantify a feeling that is so inexplicable? How is it possible to love someone so much since before you ever met them? My child has always been with me…even before he was a possibility. He was there. He was helping mold me into a person that would be capable of caring for him in the way he deserves. The idea of him grew deep inside of me long before he ever did. And let's just pause for a moment and think about that…I grew a person…inside of me. An actual living, breathing human being. We are pretty amazing creatures. But back to the original thought…on a daily basis I feel inadequate as a parent. I should do more, be more, give more, teach more…but I'm doing the best I can and somehow, along with my husband, this extraordinary man is emerging. His kind heart knows no limits. He does not yet realize how incredibly intelligent he is, but it will come. His sense of humor keeps me laughing on a daily basis. His smile fuels my soul. I could not have dreamt of a child better for me than this one. Though I'd love to slow down the rate at which these years are flying by, I am so anxious to find out what the future holds for this phenomenal young man.

Go, my child. Be amazing. Love with your whole heart. Give. Travel. Learn. Never lose your kind heart. Always, ALWAYS help others whenever you can…simply holding a door for someone may seem like nothing to you, but to that person, it may be the nicest thing anyone does for them on that day. Smile. Your smile is infectious. It makes my heart sing. Challenge yourself. It's the only way you'll grow and learn. You will fail. A lot. We ALL do. It's what we take from those failures that turns our efforts into successes. And you will be successful. And always remember, success is not measured by the stuff that you accumulate, but more so by the lives that you positively affect. 

I love you. 
I will always love you. 
I am beyond proud to be able to say "I'm Lucas' mom". 

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