Wednesday, October 29, 2008


...remember when you couldn't wait for the oven timer to go off? Like the most magical thing was going to happen when you heard that sound. Now we can't wait for it, but not because we're so excited about what's going to come out -- now it's just to get things done and hurry up with our busy lives. I am absolutely guilty of rushing through things and not paying attention to the good stuff. Smelling the warm goodness of biscuits baking, watching them rise in the glow of the oven light, anticipating how wonderful they will taste if ever that blasted timer would what point do we lose that? I envy those who are able to hold onto that almost childlike quality of soaking in the details. I write a lot about this subject -- mainly trying to convince myself to slow down every now and then -- to take notice and enjoy the little watching my son count down the minutes until he can finally taste those biscuits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

freakin' cute...great blog!!