Monday, October 19, 2009

the "what if" syndrome... sneaks up on you every now and then. It can drive you crazy and can apply to every aspect of your life. What if my parents hadn't met::What if we hadn't moved::What if I'd gone to a different college::What if that scary but lucky childbirth hadn't turned out so lucky::What if, what if, what if... Where you are now could be entirely different with just one change in the what if category. I had a moment today on my 5.5 hour drive home that gave me pause and made me thankful that the what if for me today didn't happen. What if I had left 15 minutes early. It's entirely possible that I would have been involved in the horrendous accident that I passed on the Garden State Parkway that left one SUV completely crushed in the front and simply a burned out shell. I saw the billowing black smoke and knew something was terribly wrong. It was in the right lane a mile before my exit...I would have been there had I left earlier/not made the rest stop/made some of the lights I hit/etc., etc., etc. I don't know what happened to those in the car...I can only imagine. I feel so lucky to have avoided my what if today and so sad that it happened to someone else. While we can't dwell on the what ifs of our lives, they certainly can make us with today when I pulled into my driveway safe and sound and able to hug those that I love.

Here's a photo to lighten it up a bit :)  This goose had quite a bone to pick with the horse statue...he squawked at that thing for several minutes. Wish I knew what he was saying and what the horse did to tick him off!! 

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