Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mama's Day!!

You should know that I think my mother is the most amazing woman I've ever known. Her unflappable spirit, her kindness that knows no bounds, her intelligence (which is frankly a bit frightening at times!), her fabulous sense of humor, her capacity to love, her ridiculous beauty...these just scratch the surface of reasons that my mom is my hero. With every breath that I take I am thankful for her. Of course, without her, there is no me...but more importantly without her the world would not know the limitless compassion that is my mother. She loves us fiercely and unabashedly...something we've always known and felt. She is the reason that I am a good mother...without her guidance, example, love and trust I would not feel capable of raising this young man that is my heart.

Happy 38th Mother's Day Mama!! I love you more than you can possibly know...