Wednesday, March 11, 2020

:: a+b = engaged ::

I'm on a roll!!! One might actually get fooled into thinking I've got it together these days (one would be wrong!). Well, I may not have it all, or anything really, together, but I'm certainly trying.

This past weekend I met this beautiful couple. It's pretty rare that I don't meet a couple, or at least the bride, before their engagement pictures, but this time it's just how it worked out. I generally get along with most people, but you never I was thrilled when I met them and knew right away we'd work great together.

These two were best friends before they dated, and you can tell. There's an ease between them that you don't always see. They're so excited to get married and start that part of their lives together (with their furbaby, Tucker). How lucky that I get to go along for the ride!! I can't wait for their wedding later this year. We're going to have so much fun and get some AMAZING pics.

So, here's our adventure in Ellicott City. It was pretty crowded and kind of chilly, but I think we did pretty well!!

This corner of the city is where his family used to have a gas cool is that?!?!

Yep...Tucker is pretty dang happy that his people are getting married!!! Just look at that smile!

I couldn't decide which picture to share (this one or the next one) why not just share both!

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